Tag Archive for: health

Every now and then life throws a curve ball that causes you to pause everything. This month I got to field two curve balls. The first was a week-long absence of my computer while I had the battery replaced. The second came the same day I picked up my computer, when I started getting sick and tested positive for covid! Even “little” illnesses affect me quite severely, so covid had me in bed for multiple hours every day with extreme fatigue, dictating a necessary pause to my writing and editing life.

Giving up my computer for a week wound up being refreshing. I spent more time working on my novel (on the iPad) and less time spinning my wheels on the internet. I also made a lot of progress on my office clean-up. Not to mention, my computer is running much more efficiently now!

I was looking forward to catching up on work and obligations I had to put aside while I didn’t have my main work device but getting sick threw my remaining plans for June out the window. As of writing, I’ve had severe fatigue for two weeks, requiring me to spend a lot of time lying down and resting. (Who knew you could get so exhausted sitting up and watching TV?)

There are many things I didn’t do in June that were on my to-do list. I’m hoping to get caught up quickly in July (like editorial pages—first priority!), but I request patience from everyone while I’m still recovering.

I feel like there’s a sunny side to this—something about reassessing priorities or the benefits of narrowing your focus—but I’m still too deep in the covid fog to uncover it. Maybe I’ll have it worked out by next month.



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